Your iOS or Android smartphone becomes the window into the virtual world. Once inserted into the Merge Headset, your phone tracks your head movement so youʼre able to look up, down, and all around in a virtual environment.
Most mobile VR apps are downloaded from the iOS and Android appstores, just like any other app. Once downloaded, simply launch the app, enter into VR mode (if not already), and slide your phone into the Merge VR Headset. In addition to head tracking, VR apps also split the screen into left and right images that appear in 3D when viewed through the Merge Headset. This 3D effect, together with headtracking, create a feeling of immersion, making you feel as if youʼre actually there.
Interacting with VR apps is easy once you get the hang of it. Most apps use one of two interaction methods. The first and simplest is gaze-based interaction, you simply look at what you want to select, and hold your gaze on it for a second or two. The second type of interaction is by using button inputs on top of the Merge VR Headset.
在这种情况下,你要看着待选内容,然后按下按钮将其选中。这些按钮还可用于完成暂停视频或控制角色等操作。请访问VR Start,我们提供的建议和视频将帮助你了解如何完成交互式体验。你会轻松掌握这些技巧。
There is no current design standard for developers who create mobile VR experiences. One attempt at making this easier for developers is by using Googleʼs Viewer Profile. The Viewer Profile is simply a QR code that can be scanned from a VR app. Once scanned, the app will optimize the display for use with the Merge Headset. You can find the Merge Viewer Profile QR code on the back of the headstrap. For more information see the link below:
针对在VR Start上列出的每一项VR应用和体验,我们都创建了一个应用信息卡,其中列出了有关该应用的所有重要信息,例如建议适用年龄、星级评分、帮助视频链接和VR晕动级别(如果你对晕动病比较敏感,这一信息非常重要)。
虚拟现实不只涉及游戏(尽管这些游戏很有趣),还涉及教育、旅游、音乐等应用和体验,但并非所有体验都是由计算机生成的环境。一种新型相机能够360º录制视频和音频,这种沉浸式视频让你可以从个人视角出发体验各种活动,从而在环境中随意浏览。请浏览VR Start上的360º视频一栏,观看精彩的360º视频,视频内容包括现场音乐会、时装秀、户外体验、原创短片等等(甚至还有Youtube#360Video专用于此内容的频道)。如果使用的是谷歌街景应用(在VR模式下),你将可以漫步在自己从小走过的街道中,可以前往巴黎观光,也可以游览全球任意地方。
就像坐车时晕车一样,当大脑检测到的动作与身体检测到的动作不同时,便会导致出现虚拟现实中的晕动病,你会感到恶心或头晕。晕动病不会发生在每个人身上,当出现晕动病时,其严重程度也是分级的。如果你开始感觉到晕动,请摘下耳机,直到感觉好转。VR Start的每一个VR游戏和体验都会有一个晕动分级,这将帮助你确认哪些游戏和体验最适合你。如果你感到不适,请尝试速度较慢的移动体验,不要尝试风驰电掣的过山车之类的体验。你可以一次玩几分钟的游戏,逐渐锻炼身体的晕动耐受能力,从而慢慢适应。
There has already been explosive growth of new experiences in the mobile VR ecosystem, and new apps and experiences are being created daily. Sign up for the VR Start email list and receive regular updates about new content available for your Merge VR Headset.